Enlarge Newly unearthed footage in celebration of the life of frontman LG Petrov, who died this week.

Watch: Rare Entombed Live Video Footage from 1994, Full Show


In celebration of the life of Lars-Göran “LG” Petrov, who died earlier this week at the age of 49 from bile duct cancer, there’s been a whole lot of Entombed love going around the metalsphere. And with good reason: Entombed, and Petrov in particular, inspired an entire generation of metal bands with their distinct brand of nasty, punk-inspired death metal.

Among the gems to surface from the depths are this full performance video of Entombed playing in the San Francisco area in 1994. Shot by Jesse Davis of Davis Video Creations, and now uploaded to YouTube for the first time, the video captures Entombed on the Wolverine Blues tour (on which Amorphis opened!) playing a cramped, sweaty club teeming with energy.

Speaking to MetalSucks by email, Davis tells us of Berkeley Square, the now defunct club at which the show took place:

“During the club’s heyday it was home to many different types of music and mostly centered on new wave and punk during the ’80s, with some mainstream acts also playing there. In the ’90s is when the metal bands really started to dominate the club’s calendar. I shot so many great shows there during that time. It was a great club. It suffered sometimes with a less than stellar sound and lighting system, but we didn’t care. If a good band was playing, we showed up. Then, at the turn of the century, around 2001, the club breathed its last gasp and the owners decided to finally sell the place. It was turned into an art supply store, then into a furniture store. The building is now empty. All that remains of the Berkeley Square is a tall sign pole with a small plain Berkeley Square sign on top. Many of the people who worked and attended shows there frequent the Facebook page for it still though. You can see all kinds of cool old flyers and pictures there. Some of my video posts are there, too.”

Here’s that Facebook page if you’d like to join and reminisce.

Davis tells us that he filmed Cannibal Corpse at Berkeley Square three times, once in 1994 and twice in 1997 as part of a two-night headline stint. Footage from one of those nights was featured on a deluxe DVD reissue of Vile in 2007, but he plans on uploading the unused material from all of those shows “sometime in the very near future.”

So that’s something to look forward to. But for now, it’s all about Entombed! Watch below.

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