Enlarge The band's latest album, 'Imperial,' is out now.

Soen Post Video for “Deceiver”


Soen’s most recent album, Imperial, came out in January, so the fans amongst you have likely had a chance to digest it by now.

But this post is mainly for those who missed it, because I’m always seeking to bring more eyes to Soen: the band has unleashed a new music video for the album track “Deceiver,” and it’s as good of an opportunity to get into the band as any.

Co-founder and drummer Martin Lopez (ex-Opeth) says of the song:

“‘Deceiver’ is about battling whatever demons you have and carrying that constant worry on your shoulders, how it can wear you down and make whatever goals you achieve in your life pointless.”

Guitarist and keyboardist Lars Enok Åhlund explains:

“It’s about standing up against that negativity within you and trying to keep going even if that negative shadow follows you wherever you go.”

Watch it below wether you’re hip to the band already or not. Imperial is out now and available to buy here.

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