Enlarge Some metal royalty takes on a classic grunge track.

Video: System a Down and Ex-Machine Head Members Post Heavied-Up Cover of STP’s “Dead & Bloated”


History has a funny way of reinventing itself. When Stone Temple Pilots burst onto the scene in 1992 with their hit-packed debut, Core, they were largely rejected by older music fans, especially metalheads who reviled everything grunge. But the passage of time tends to smooth over those kinds of preconceptions and let great songs shine, and hoooo boy did STP have great songs, tons of ’em, some of which were decently heavy bangers. And here we are with some bona fide metal dudes covering one of them.

The lineup on this cover of Core’s explosive album opener, “Dead & Bloated,” is as follows:

Bass: Shavo Odadjian (System of a Down)
Guitar: Phil Demmel (Vio-lence, ex-Machine Head)
Vocals: Jason Christopher (Corey Taylor, ex-Prong)
Drums: Brandon Pertzborn (HO99O9, Corey Taylor)

I’ve always loved the deliberate plod of this particular track — it seems like it wants to go faster, but the band holds it back — and this version emphasizes that element, a few ticks even slower than and tuned down from the original to my ears. The mix comes courtesy of the golden-eared Jay Ruston (Anthrax, Corey Taylor, etc.).

Have a watch below via Jason Christopher’s Instagram.


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