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For $200, You Can Be an Executive Producer on Jamey Jasta’s New Album

  • Axl Rosenberg

Watch this scene from David Mamet’s State and Main, a movie about a small town that gets invaded by a big Hollywood movie production:


For SOME reason, I thought of that scene when I read that Jamey Jasta is now selling executive producer credits for his new Jasta album, …And Jasta for All.

The credit — which comes with a copy of the album, natch — goes for $200 if you live in ‘Muhrica. Canadians have to pay $230 and everyone else has to pay $240, presumably because if Jasta is gonna let some no-good dirty foreigners have their names in his album, he wants to be compensated, goddamnit (or it may have something to do with shipping costs… who can say, really?).

For fans looking for a cheaper way to help with production costs, you can also purchase a spot on the thanks list ($10), the special thanks list ($15), or the VERY special thanks list ($20).

What’s the difference between thanks, special thanks, and VERY special thanks? I assume it’s will be the prominence of their placements, like those donor lists you see sometimes in programs for museums and theater performances, only with less-cool-sounding designations and less prestige/flaunting of wealth.

I do wonder why $20 for a very special thanks was determined to be the cutoff. I’d happily pay $25 to get a VERY very special thanks. Like, Kirk Windstein is selling spots on a thanks list, a special thanks list, a very special thanks list, and a PERSONAL thanks list for the new Crowbar album. GENIUS!!!

You can purchase your Jasta credit here.

[via The PRP]

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