Enlarge One obsessive YouTube user makes roughly seven of these things a year.

Fall Down the Metallica/Megadeth Mash-Up Rabbit Hole

  • Axl Rosenberg

So there’s this YouTube user, TheTaskmaster, who appears to be obsessed with making mash-ups of Metallica and Megadeth songs.

How obsessed?

They’ve made 62 of them in nine years. That’s almost seven mash-ups a year.

Some of these mash-ups have been slotted under the moniker ‘Megatallica,’ and feature James Hetfield’s vocals. The handful that have Dave Mustaine’s vocals instead are helpfully labeled ‘Metallideth.’

TheTaskmaster has also made some other metal band mash-ups, but has devoted relatively little time to these endeavors: they’ve only produced three Blacksabbica videos (Sabbath + Metallica), four Iron Priest videos (Iron Maiden + Judas Priest w/ Rob Halford Dickinson on lead vocals), and six Judas Maiden videos (Iron Maiden + Judas Priest w/ Bruce Dickinson on lead vocals).

If nothing else, TheTaskmaster certainly has a metalhead’s appreciation for detailed categorizations that would make little sense to anyone outside the metal world.

I’ve only gotten to sample about a tenth of these offerings so far, but my initial impression that while the audio quality of each cut varies, musically, they all fit snuggly together. That’s not shocking (did u gies no Dayv Mustane ust 2 b in Metallica?!?!), but it still makes for a fun listen.

You can check out all the songs below. So far, I’m especially fond of “Sad Symphony” (“Sad But True” + “Symphony of Destruction”)… but if I’m being honest, this completely unrelated video is actually my favorite thing on TheTaskmaster’s channel:


A++++ WDBWA.

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