Paul Mazurkiewicz Ranks Cannibal Corpse Album Covers From Least to Most Disgusting
Mirror, mirror on the wall, which Cannibal Corpse album cover is the grossest of them all?
It’s a question every death metal fan has surely asked themselves at some point. Personally, I lean towards 2004’s The Wretched Spawn, because it speaks directly to my fear of the misuse of human orifices.

The uncensored version of the cover for the band’s new album, Violence Unimagined, is an instant all-timer too. It would appear that poor baby was alive when the not-so-nice lady with all the teeth tore into it. Something similar happens early on in Garth Ennis’ Crossed and it seriously fucked me up for life.

But which of their magnificently macabre album covers do the band themselves favor? We now have some insight courtesy of drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz, who has listed all the band’s covers from least to most disgusting for The Pit.
I won’t give away the whole list here, but I will tell you that Mazurkiewicz put 1991’s Butchered at Birth in the top slot, saying:
“How can Butchered not be Number One? The all-time most disturbing cover, arguably, in music. Man, I’ll never forget seeing Butchered for the first time. We were blown away by it, just like, how CRAZY it was. Especially going from [Eaten Back to Life] — which was a great cover — to seeing something like that was just…WHOA. This is taking it to a whole different level. Even looking at it to this day, it’s never not disgusting. It’s never not that piece that you look at and say, ‘This is crazy. I can’t believe these guys did that.’”
Far be it from me to disagree with Mazurkiewicz, but I just have to quickly add: Butchered at Birth is not the all-time most disturbing cover in music. That honor inarguably goes to this abomination against eyesight:

I don’t know if any album will ever be able to top that one. I don’t know how they got the twins from The Shining to pose for a photo but good for them.
ANYWAY, you can read Mazurkiewicz’s entire list here.
Violence Unimagined comes out April 16 via Metal Blade. It will be the band’s first album with longtime producer Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal, ex-Morbid Angel) as their new guitarist, replacing Pat O’Brien. Pre-order it here.