Enlarge It's the Uncle Kracker/Smash Mouth collaboration of your nightmares.

Slipknot’s Corey Taylor Adds MC Skills to New Country/Rap Song

  • Axl Rosenberg

If there’s a Heaven, Corey Taylor is going there. Of this, there can be no doubt.

But if one were to need any more evidence, they’d have to look no further than “Live the Madness,” the new country/rap song from Uncle Kracker Moonshine Bandits. Taylor raps on the track and appears in the video alongside his wife, Alicia Dove, and her group The Cherry Bombs; I assume this came about because one of the Ink Master contestants Moonshine Bandits members is actually a Make-A-Wish kid.

Needless to say, Corey, Alicia, and The Cherry Bombs are by far the best part of this… but even they can only do much.

Unless you’ve secretly been pining for Kid Rock/Smash Mouth collaboration for the past twenty years. In which case, hey, you will love this.

Watch the video below. I guess it’s NSFW because the ladies are scantily clad, but there’s no actual nudity or anything. Basically, if you’d feel comfortable watching the videos for “Girls, Girls, Girls” or “Big Pimpin’” at work, you’re good.

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