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Watch Make Them Suffer’s Booka Nile Appear on Married at First Sight

  • Axl Rosenberg

Make Them Suffer keyboardist Booka Nile recently appeared on the Australian iteration of Married at First Sight.

As the title of that program suggests, it’s a reality show on which people don’t meet their spouse until they arrive at the altar. Apparently the marriages aren’t legally binding, which a) makes sense, and b) takes most of the fun out of the show because the participants aren’t actually making an monumentally ill-advised mistake.

In any case, Ms. Nile’s episode is now available for your viewing pleasure below. She married (“married”) some dude named Brett Helling. I haven’t watched the episode so I dunno how it turned out. If they have registry, though, they should let us know.

You can watch the episode below.

Make Them Suffer’s most recent album, How to Survive a Funeral, was released last year on Rise Records.


[via Lambgoat]

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