Enlarge Amazingly, the names it generates aren't THAT ridiculous.

New A.I. Bot Generates Fake Metal Band Names and Album Art

  • Axl Rosenberg

Our Robot Overlords’ gradual takeover of metal continues!

Artificial intelligence has already learned to write black metal and death metal, and it’s already learned to write/parody Metallica songs and Iron Maiden songs and AC/DC songs. Shit, we’ve even seen robots play Motörhead. All Skynet needs now is a band name and some album art and it should be ready to keep rocking out long after Judgment Day.

Enter This Band Isn’t Real, a new Twitter account that uses A.I. to generate metal band and album names… and album art.

The craziest part? The fake names sound pretty goddamn real — certainly more so than the monikers created with the Heavy Metal Band Name Generator that launched in 2015.

Some of my personal favorites are below; follow the account on Twitter for more.

[via Metal Hammer]

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