Enlarge "WAHHHH! WAHHH!!!" says Dolmayan in a new interview.

Delicate Snowflake John Dolmayan Continues to Offer Free Rent for Liberal Bloggers


System of a Down drummer and veh-wee veh-wee special snowflake John Dolmayan has continued to offer free rent for liberal bloggers spewing patently nonsensical conservative talking points, thereby helping to create profitable clickbait.

Dolmayan’s latest gift to the people he claims to despise comes via the comic book podcast Uncle Dad Talks.

During the conversation, the drummer unironically expressed disappointment in others:

“I’ve gotta tell you, I’m really disappointed in a lot of people, a lot of liberals — ’cause I have a lot of liberal friends. Most of my friends are liberal. I’m a conservative, as some people may or may not know. But at the end of the day, I change my opinion on things based on information. So if I get new information, I re-evaluate, I look at things, and I make a decision based on that.”

He continued:

“What’s happening right now with this cancel-culture bullshit is really destructive, and it always backfires on the people that are instituting it. And we have to be really careful because in the ’50s, we had something called McCarthyism where people that were hyper-liberal and a lot of people that were considered communists, basically they lost their entire lives — that whole generation of great artists and writers that were just ostracized. And we have to be careful because if we allow that to happen in any way, it could always come back to the other side.

“I will tell you, this generation is very liberal, but the next one might be more conservative and so on and so forth. It does tend to turn around. And especially now with social media and all this bullshit, people go back and they check things, and they’re, like, ‘Oh, really? This is how you felt?’ And you’re judged on that for the rest of your life.”

Presumably relishing the sound of his own voice, Dolmayan went on:

“I’m a conservative. I want what’s best for everyone, but I want everybody to have the freedom to do these things. I don’t like big government. I don’t like the agenda of a lot of the Democratic platforms these days. I think A.O.C. [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] is a moron. I just have to put that out there; I like to say that in every conversation.

“Look, at the end of the day, I just want everybody to have equal opportunity to be successful in whatever that success is. And I want people to be motivated by doing the right thing in life, not rewarded for doing the wrong thing.”

Dolmayan was promptly rewarded for doing the wrong thing by somehow being the second-most-written-about member of System of a Down.

You can listen to the entire interview below.


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