Enlarge Includes Gojira, Andrew W.K., Genghis Tron, and more!

MetalSucks’ Least-Sucky Songs of the Week


השבוע אנו כותבים את ההקדמה בעברית. למה? אין סיבה אמיתית. אנחנו משועממים.

הנה, נהנה משירי ההלב מטאל המדהימים האלה!

Firstborne, “Mourning Star”

More like “Celebration Star,” right?

Genghis Tron, “Ritual Circle”

How do you spell ‘hypnotic’? G-E-N-G-H-I-S-T-R-O-N.

Gojira, “Born for One Thing”

The best metal song ever to be inspired by the movie City Slickers.

Myles Kennedy, “In Stride”

Gene Simmons can take this song and shove it up his ass.

Andrew W.K., “Babalon”

Partymaster Andrew W.K. turns to the dark side, and we… are… HERE FOR IT!

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