Enlarge The band has maintained their DIY work ethic.

New Mini-Documentary Takes You Behind the Scenes of Code Orange’s Livestreams

  • Axl Rosenberg

Code Orange were way out front with the whole livestream thing. When Roadrunner released their latest album, Underneath, on March 13, 2020, the pandemic was really just taking hold. So the band did an audience-free record release show — with full production! — on March 14, which they broadcast for free on their Twitch channel. It was so successful that at the end of that same month, the band launched an entire livestream series, You and You Alone. Almost a year later, approximately half of all bands in the world have done livestream shows, Twitch is more popular than ever, and we have to wonder if Code Orange have a magic crystal ball.

Now the band has teamed up with Santa Cruz Skateboards to release an eleven-minute mini-documentary taking fans behind the scenes of the band’s livestreams. There’s definitely some interesting nuggets of intel in there… but it also provides a look at how, despite being on a big label like Roadrunner, the band has maintained their DIY work ethic.

Watch the doc below.

Underneath‘s “Under the Skin” has been nominated for this year’s Best Metal Performance Grammy. The awards will be presented on Sunday, March 14.

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