Enlarge A 19-minute song with cello, acoustic guitar and synths in addition to the band's usual metal-infused hardcore maelstorm.

F*cked Up Dedicate New Song to Power Trip’s Riley Gale and Iron Age’s Wade Allison


Fucked Up have announced a new album, Year of the Horse, consisting of four tracks that serve as independent “acts.”

The band has unveiled the first of those acts, which clocks in at over 19 minutes long, and dedicated it to Power Trip’s Riley Gale and Iron Age’s Wade Allison, both of whom died last year. In addition Fucked Up’s trademark style of hardcore-infused metal, the song features an extended orchestration with cello, acoustic guitar and synths, making it quite a departure for the band.

Fucked Up comment of their pending release:

“We have a new album being released today and over spring.

“This record will live on bandcamp for streaming/download for the next few months until the whole thing is released. Vinyl will be announced later on. Please head over and take a listen to the first of FOUR acts from this album, and make sure to download the lyric sheet to follow along with the story. See you again in March.”

Year of the Horse is available for pre-order here.

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