Enlarge The 'Aquaman' and 'Game of Thrones' star has been slappin' da bass lately.

Actor Jason Momoa Got Into Bass Because of Tool


Aquaman and Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa has made his love of heavy music well known. Last year he released a video of himself nerding out over Metallica’s S&M² release, once portrayed Ozzy Osbourne in a video, took lessons from Archspire vocalist Oliver Rae Aleron on how to scream, and hung out with Slayer and Anthrax on tour. He even got into playing, hanging out with Primus mastermind and bassist Les Claypool for a fishing expedition and some good old fashioned jamming.

But where did his love of bass begin? It’s rare for anyone to pick up an instrument so late in life, although admittedly actors are a special breed with superpowers that enable them to learn pretty much anything.

Like so many of us — albeit at a younger age than Momoa — the actor credits Tool as his primary inspiration.

Speaking to Guitar World, Momoa revealed that he learned to play “Sober” on bass (with other film set personnel rounding out the band) as a gift to his Tool-loving assistant, and his interest in the instrument spiraled (out) from there:

“We were on the set of ‘Aquaman.’ I always have instruments on the set, so my son was playing drums and my daughter was playing guitar. It was my assistant’s birthday, and she really loves Tool, so I borrowed a bass from my buddy and we all played ‘Sober‘ for her. Right then, my passion for bass really exploded. The moment I put it on, I could just feel the connection – and it was all over.”

“I always knew I wanted to play bass. After that I wanted to play standup, so I bought one and now it’s a passion for me, with how it makes me feel and how it sounds. I studied and studied and studied bass, and I was like ‘My God, I wish I would have done this when I was young.’ I wish that I had that opportunity –but I’m making up for lost time.”

Don’t be surprised if Momoa ups his game from here and we eventually find him jamming with Scott Ian and Kerry King.

Tool have been in the headlines a bit lately themselves despite the cessation of touring due to the pandemic. Frontman Maynard James Keenan recently revealed he contracted Covid-19 not once but twice, ending up in the hospital, and guitarist Adam Jones unveiled a signature Gibson guitar last year, some of which were hijacked off a truck.

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