Enlarge Have Cannibal Corpse returned with a bang, or a whimper?

Poll: What Do You Think of Cannibal Corpse’s New Song, “Inhumane Harvest”?


Last week, Cannibal Corpse — inarguably one of the most beloved and successful death metal bands of all time — announced that they’ll release a new album, Violence Unimagined, on April 16 via Metal Blade… AND they released the first single from that record, “Inhumane Harvest.”

A new Cannibal Corpse song is a big deal under any circumstances, but “Harvest” seems especially noteworthy because i) it’s been more than three years since Cannibal Corpse’s last album, Red Before Black, and ii) it marks the first publicly-released recording to feature the band’s longtime producer, Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal), as their new guitarist.

Since you’ve had almost seven whole days to listen and re-listen to the song, we thought now was a fair time to ask: Whadda ya think? Have Cannibal Corpse returned with a bang or whimper?

If you’ve haven’t already heard the song, you can listen below; then vote on its quality below that.

You can pre-order Violence Unimagined here.

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What do you think of Cannibal Corpse's new song, "Inhumane Harvest"?
What do you think of Cannibal Corpse's new song, "Inhumane Harvest"?
What do you think of Cannibal Corpse's new song, "Inhumane Harvest"?

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