Enlarge "The Instant Grind" is the latest entry in Verbeuren's Instagrind series.

Megadeth Drummer’s Bent Sea Releases New Song Featuring Leon del Muerte (Murder Construct, Impaled)


Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren’s long-running grindcore project, Bent Sea, has released a new song, “The Instant Grind,” featuring Leon del Muerte (Murder Construct, Impaled, ex-Exhumed, etc.).

The song is the latest entry in Verbeuren’s Instagrind series.

Stream “The Instant Grind” below, and check out the previous entries in the Instagrind series here or on Bandcamp.

Megadeth’s new album, which is tentatively titled The Sick, the Dying and the Dead, should be out later in 2021.

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