Behold, a Lap Steel-Based Metal Band: Velocihamster

I’ve been campaigning for more slide guitar in metal for years — what would some nasty pedal steel licks sound like amidst wicked slams?? — and my wish has finally been granted by Velocihamster, the brainchild of lap steel guitarist Sean Williamson.
On Velocihamster’s new album, Balls to the Wall, Williamson utilizes a rotating cast of musicians to set the backdrop for his searing-hot slide guitar licks, front and center. The core of the band’s orchestrations are prog metal in nature, but not annoyingly so, with most songs clocking in between three and five minutes long and featuring a number of eminently hummable melodies. In place of vocals sit Williamson’s leads, which deftly carry each tune with the kind of precision that’s necessary for this sort of thing (few things are worse than a bad or even mediocre steel guitar player; you’ve gotta be GOOD to do it at all). Most importantly, I just friggin’ love the sound of lap steel over metal; these two things were meant to go together, and haven’t nearly enough in metal’s 50-year history.
The audience for something like this is admittedly niche, but I’d reckon quite a number of you more musician-minded folks out there will dig it. Balls to the Wall is out now. Stream it in full below, order it here, and visit this site for more info about the guitar Sean uses.