Enlarge The band's 13th full-length is expected later this year.

And the Title of the New Cradle of Filth Album Is…

  • Axl Rosenberg

Existence Is Futile. Not a bad name by any means, but seems a little out of place in a discography that includes titles such as Nymphetamine, Godspeed on the Devil’s Thunder, DarklyDarklyVenus Aversa, Hammer of the Witches, and Cryptoriana – The Seductiveness of Decay. I guess 2020 even wore down Dani Filth. Poor dude couldn’t be bothered to think up a gothy, pseudo-poetic title this time ’round.

ANYWAY, the album will mark the debut of CoF’s new, as-yet-named keyboardist/backing singer. It doesn’t have a release date yet, but it’s expected later this year. It was was once again recorded at Grindstone Studios with producer Scott Atkins, and reunites the band with artist Arthur Berzinsh, who also created the covers for Witches and Cryptoriana.

Says Mr. Filth of Existence Is Futile:

“The stunning new album is everything you can expect from the many shades of black that go to discolor a Cradle of Filth release and far, far, worse.”

You’ll know more when we do. In the meantime… anyone tried Cradle of Filth tea? Is it any good?

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