Enlarge He'll share "interesting secrets" about the album on Friday, February 12.

Bruce Dickinson to Host Twitter Listening Party for Iron Maiden’s Powerslave


On Friday, February 12, at 9 pm GMT/ 4 pm EST/ 1 pm PST, Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson will host a Twitter listening party for the band’s 1984 classic, Powerslave.

Dickinson will provide commentary and “interesting secrets” for each song for Tim’s Twitter Listening Party, hosted by Tim Burgess (The Charlatans). Appropriately, it will be the 666th episode of that series.

You can watch a teaser video for the event, featuring Dickinson himself, below.

Burgess tells NME of the event:

“We started these listening parties at the beginning of the first lockdown and thought we’d do a couple of weeks of them until everything got back to normal. Nick Mason hosted our Saucerful of Secrets listening party to celebrate our 500th and someone tweeted that we should mark the 666th as a special occasion.

“Naturally, we tweeted Iron Maiden and they said they’d love to join us.”

To participate in the listening party, follow @ironmaiden@tim_burgess@LlSTENlNG_PARTY  and #TimsTwitterListeningParty on Twitter. If you’re not able to join the party in real time, you can get the replay on timstwitterlisteningparty.com afterwards.

Powerslave was released on September 3, 1984. It peaked at #21 on the Billboard 200 chart, and has been certified platinum for the sale of one million units.

Maiden’s most recent album, Book of Souls, was released thirty years later, almost to the day, on September 4, 2014. It peaked at #4 on the Billboard 200 .

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