
Is This a Teaser for New Tomahawk Music?

  • Axl Rosenberg

A little less than a year ago, Tomahawk guitarist Duane Denison (The Jesus Lizard) revealed that the band was, at last, working on their first album since 2013’s Oddfellows (cut them some slack — these are busy dudes).

Now Ipecac Recordings, the label co-owned by Tomahawk frontman Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr.Bungle, Fantômas, Dead Cross), has released a mysterious new video which includes a commanding bassline and the simple caption “January 21st” — which is tomorrow’s date, donchaknow.

According to Metal Insider, “There are speculations that this could be an announcement of Tomahawk’s fifth studio album.” That would certainly imply putting out a video this enigmatic — there’s no way it’s teasing something less-than-extraordinary.

Some people apparently also think it might be teasing a new Fantômas album, but that seems like a stretch — there’s been no indication that that group — which includes Dave Lombardo (ex-Slayer), Buzz Osborne (Melvins), and Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk) — have been working on a new record.

Check out Ipecac’s post below, then check back here tomorrow to find out what the what it’s all about:

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