Enlarge Frequent Fear Factory collaborator Rhys Fulber is a member of the band.

Listen: Fear Factory’s Dino Cazares Guests on Front Line Assembly’s New Song, “Stifle”


“Stifle,” a song on industrial outfit Front Line Assembly’s new album, Mechanical Soul, features a guest appearance by Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares. The two outfits are no strange bedfellows: Rhys Fulber, who has contributed electronics and additional production to a number of Fear Factor releases, is a member of Front Line Assembly.

You can listen to “Stifle” below and Front Line Assembly’s new album in full here.

On the Fear Factory front, Cazares launched a crowd-funding campaign in September to put some finishing touches on the band’s next album — which was initially recorded in 2017 with Burton Seabell’s vocals on it — but Burton called the fundraising effort a “scam,” distancing himself from it before eventually quitting the band. Burton then issued a longer statement on his decision to leave, and Cazares put out a statement of his own that left the door open for Burton to rejoin while also calling out Burton’s “lies, the negativity and the blame.” Burton then seemingly shut that door, saying “I’m done,” and it later came out that Cazares had previously acquired 100% of the rights to use the Fear Factory name in a years-long court battle.

[via The PRP]

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