Enlarge Getting some real Escape from New York vibes here.

John Carpenter Debuts New Song “Alive After Death”

  • Axl Rosenberg

“Alive After Death,” the latest single and de facto title track from John Carpenter’s Lost Themes III: Alive After Death, has a real Escape from New York vibe to it. That doesn’t seem at all unintentional — or at least, Carpenter doesn’t wanna play it down: the accompanying music video, animated by the illustrator Boneface, is kind of a mix between Carpenter’s epochal 1981 portrait of an American dystopia and Little Red Riding Hood. It portrays a young woman who is literally wearing a red hood… but also is on a 1980s-style subway car, rocking a very Snake Plissken-esque eyepatch (her hair is a bit Plisskeny, too).

None of this is a bad thing. They’ve been threatening to remake Escape from New York for over a decade now… let’s hope this is the closest they ever get.

Check out “Alive After Death” below. Lost Themes III: Alive After Death comes out February 5th via Sacred Bones. Pre-order it here.

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