Megadeth’s David Ellefson Releases Sample of Fiction Debut, Rock Star Hitman
We know that David Ellefson is good at putting his name in bigger letters over the name of someone else who probably did most of the heavy lifting because he has two memoirs, My Life with Deth (with Joel McIver) and More Life with Deth (with Thom Hazaert).
We also know that David Ellefson is good with fiction, because he’s always talking about how much he loves Dave Mustaine and how God is real.
This being the case, Ellefson has now decided to dip his toes in the water of putting his name in bigger letters over the name of someone else who probably did most of the heavy lifting for a fiction book, The Sledge Chronicles: Rock Star Hitman (with Drew Fortier).
The book’s opening pages suggest that the story will follow a hitman who is also a rock star:
“So, there I was, on a train heading to a small town outside of Kansas City. On my way to make the next drop off, a little detour before the next gig. All I had on me was my guitar case, my duffel bag, and the thought swimming around in my head,
“Was this all worth it?
“That thought had been there since the beginning; just knocking itself around in my brain, slowly getting more violent, psychologically as well as physically.
“How many times did I need to wash the blood out of my stage clothes before I realized that the price of fortune and fame wasn’t worth transporting a severed head in a damn duffel bag?”
The Sledge Chronicles: Rock Star Hitman is the first entry in a proposed series (thus the “chronicles” in the title). ‘Sledge’ is the name of the aforementioned rock star hitman.
I take basic issue with this premise — a true rock star who find it very hard to slip away on tour in order to go whack someone, let alone maintain the anonymity I imagine a real contract killer requires — but maybe this will be fun? People love James Patterson and Lee Child so clearly I don’t “get” the market for modern mainstream literary thrillers. Watch, this will be a Netflix series in no time.
Ellefson will self-publish The Sledge Chronicles: Rock Star Hitman via The Ellefson Book Co. on December 18. You can read the first three pages here, and pre-order it here.

[via Metal Hammer]