Enlarge An upbeat ditty about holding hands and skipping in the sunshine.

Harakiri for the Sky’s New Single “And Oceans Between Us” Is for Lovers

  • Axl Rosenberg

You don’t listen to a band called Harakiri for the Sky to hear toe-tappin’ Patridge Family songs about love changing the world. So while the Austrian melodeath-doom duo’s latest single, “And Oceans Between Us,” is about a romantic relation, don’t expect its message to be uplifting.

Explains singer and lyricist J.J.:

 “Sometimes you meet a person you believe to be your soulmate, a person that can cure all the pains of previous heartbreaks. You think: ‘This is the person that will save me from this cold and lonely world,’ just when starting to realize after some times, this person became the ailment as well and her words became poison.”

Musically, “And Oceans Between Us” sounds every bit as tortured as its lyrical subject matter; the guitars are wobbly and dizzying, and each drum hit is like a punch to the gut. It’s as someone was teetering on the edge of a vast chasm in the middle of a raging storm.

Listen to “And Oceans Between Us” below. It’s the third single from the band’s forthcoming album, Mӕre, after “I, Pallbearer” and “Sing for the Damage We’ve Done” (featuring Neige from Alcest).

Mӕre comes out January 29 (February 19 in the U.S.) on AOP. Pre-order it here (U.S.) or here (everywhere else).

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