Enlarge "Through the Night" was created in collaboration with the Australian metal/industrial/electronic duo Cuestack.

David Hasselhoff Has Released a Metal Song

  • Axl Rosenberg

As promised back in October, David Hasselhoff — star of Knight Rider and Baywatch, scourge of cheeseburgers, and dude who once offered me a job running his website which sometimes I think I should have taken because what would that have been like? — has released a metal song.

It’s called “Through the Night” (maybe The Hoff is a Def Leppard fan?). It was created in collaboration with the Australian metal/industrial/electronic duo Cuestack, which one again proves my theory: Australians love David Hasselhoff.

So how is it? It sounds a lot like a European power metal band whose appeal is lost on me but somehow headline Hellfest regardless. So I suspect a lot of you will dig it.

You can check out “Through the Night” via the below music video. If you love it so much it hurts, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s a Through the Night box set featuring “a retro synthwave remix” of the song by Caleb Shomo (Beartooth, ex-Attack Attack!) as well as “a unique poster, gym bag, autograph card and baseball cap.” You can buy that here.

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