Enlarge Featuring Steel Panther, Greta Van Fleet, Eyehategod, and more.

MetalSucks’ Least-Sucky Songs of the Week


Well, at least we’ll have shit to watch next year.

Everygrey, “Forever Outsider”

More like EverGREAT, amiriteoramirite?

Eyehategod, “High Risk Trigger”

Eyehategod are back, and their eyes have never hated God more.

Greta Van Fleet, “Age of Machine”

It’d be cooler if this band aped Van Halen instead of Led Zeppelin so we could call them Greta Van Halen.

The Hu, “Sad But True”

Mongolian-language lyrics and instrumentation put a new spin on an old classic.

Steel Panther, “Fuck 2020”

Well. Fucking. Said.

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