Enlarge It's not clear why the platform would have booted Chris Taylor Brown.

Trapt Frontman Says He’s Been Banned From Instagram

  • Axl Rosenberg

Just days after Trapt were kicked off Facebook for posting hate speech, frontman Chris Taylor Brown now says that Instagram has also deleted his personal profile (Instagram, of course, is owned by Facebook). The PRP reports that “Brown had amassed roughly 8100 followers on that platform.”

Says Brown:

“Damn, Facebook also deleted my personal Instagram profile which I don’t post anything but pics of me & my girl. Wonder if they will delete my personal FB musician page too. I haven’t even used that one in a while. FB really has it out for me.”

Brown went on to endorse a conservative social network you’ve never heard of, in which he presumably owns stock or something.

Trapt’s Facebook account was deleted after Brown shared propaganda for the far-right, neo-fascist hate group the Proud Boys. It’s not presently clear why he would have been booted from Instagram as well. I’m sure no one would dare suggest this is a scam intended to keep Brown in the headlines and up membership for the aforementioned conservative social network.

Brown has previously said he plans to sue Facebook, although for what I couldn’t tell you. He’s also said he plans to sue MetalSucks, although we’ve never heard from his lawyers. I think he just threatens to sue people a lot.

Trapt’s most recent album, Shadow Work, was released in July, and sold fewer copies in its first week of release than are reading this blog post right now.

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