Enlarge Stephen Carpenter believes vaccines don't work, Covid-19 is a hoax and he prevents himself from getting sick using "mind over matter."

Deftones Guitarist Offers Non-Apology to Flat-Earther / Anti-Vaxx Backlash


Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter courted quite the backlash earlier this week when he revealed his extensive conspiracy theory beliefs on a podcast called Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. In the extensive chat, Carpenter explained at length his beliefs that the earth is flat, vaccines do not work, Covid-19 is a hoax and that he prevents himself from ever getting sick by using “mind over matter,” among other fringe and plainly false theories.

Now, in another podcast interview — this time with The Dr. Greenthumb Podcast — Carpenter has responded to the backlash from fans, particularly to complaints that he is being insensitive to the families and friends of hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died from Covid-19 over the past eight months and countless more who became very sick but survived, often with lingering complications.

Addressing those complaints of insensitivity on the podcast, Carpenter offered a rambling pseudo-apology that essentially says “I’m sorry” in words only, devoid of any contrition towards those whose lives have been deeply impacted by Covid-19 and without acknowledging the severity (or even reality) of the disease:

“…In regards to this story, you know, I want to say this, I made some people… you know, people got a little aggravated [and] feel like I was insensitive.

“I want to say, hey you know, I never had the intent to upset anybody in any way with my opinions. But I was just giving my opinions. And for all those who’ve who’ve experienced it in any way, it’s not to upset or offend you in any way with my opinion. But I did you know, and some were… they were ruffled.”

“So I say to all you who were ruffled about in any way, you know, it’s only love you know, it’s always about love. I would never want to see anybody… In fact, that’s the reason why I give my opinion. Hopefully it can inspire you into something else, you know, at least for alternative perspective. But not to offend you know, all my love, sorry. Apologies.”

So, in other words, he “never had the intent to upset anybody” but hasn’t reconsidered his position one bit — he just wants everyone to get along and for him to be able to express his “opinions” freely without anyone getting mad and without him having to suffer any consequences of his actions. Cool, nice non-apology, bro.

You can listen to the whole chat below.

[via The PRP]

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