Enlarge "The only thing that was ever launched into space was humanity’s imagination."

Deftones Guitarist Stephen Carpenter is a Flat-Earther and an Anti-Vaxxer

  • Axl Rosenberg

Not be outdone by System of a Down, it would appear that the Deftones, too, have a member who is… uhh… what’s a nice word for “idiot”? Anyway this guy is an idiot.

The PRP reports that Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter recently appeared on a podcast called Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli (cute name), where he shared some choice nuggets of wisdom. Nuggets like…

The Earth is flat

“If you think you live on a spinning, flying space ball, you’re in a cult,” Carpenter says. He later asserts that “the only thing that was ever launched into space was humanity’s imagination.” Pressed for evidence of this theory, Carpenter provided none, preferring instead to just talk in circles:

“The simplest terms for my perspective with flat Earth is simply, I know we’re not on a spinning, flying space ball. Now, what it actually is and all that and, and, and to what depths it goes to, that’s all still to be discovered and people are are working on those things.”

Vaccines are bullshit, bruh

“[There’s] never been one single vaccine that’s ever worked ever. All poisons, you can never get it out of your body, [your] body has no means to expel it, it’s stuck in you forever and you just suffer with whatever it becomes.”

COVID-19 isn’t contagious

“I’m grateful for COVID, for teaching me the actual germ theory, and that is the virus is something the body creates. You are not not capable of catching a virus from somebody. You develop viruses because you have some type of poison or toxin within you. And that’s your poisoned and toxined cells secreting the virus to clean them from the body.”

In fact, COVID-19 is a hoax

“Wouldn’t the homeless population be all you need to know about the virus? I mean, if there was this incredibly deadly, deadly virus going around for this whole entire year, We would have lost everybody on the street by now. I’m sure of it. But in fact we didn’t lose them, their numbers got stronger.”

Stephen Carpenter is invincible

“I have hung out with friends who have had colds throughout my life with confidence knowing I never would ever get sick. Because I’ve always believed in the mind over matter you know, ‘I’m not getting sick’ so I never I’ve never felt that, you know. Hell I’ve shared joints with people when we were all sick. Some people even while they had a fucking cold sore, yeah I never got a cold sore after we did that.”

The B.S. about the homeless has been debunked, by the way. I mean most of his claims are common sense nonsense, but the thing about the homeless has been a favorite amongst right wing conspiracy theorists for awhile now so I thought it was worth pointing that it’s, y’know, crap.

You can read more at The PRP and/or listen to the interview itself below.

Deftones released a new album, Ohms, in September, and will unveil Black Stallion, the remix album of White Pony they’ve been hinting at for the past several months, on December 11.

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