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Guitar P0rn: Adam Jones From Tool’s New Signature Les Paul

  • Axl Rosenberg

Last week it was announced that Adam Jones from Tool is getting his own signature model Les Paul from Gibson; there is now a four-and-a-half-minute-long video which is basically nothing but close-ups of that guitar. So if you didn’t have any spank material for today, now you do.

The Adam Jones 1979 Les Paul Custom guitar, featuring the silver burst design he’s been seen performing with for years, is a limited-edition guitar from Gibson Custom Shop Murphy Lab. A limited offering of 79 of them have been precisely aged by the expert luthiers and craftspeople of the Gibson Custom Shop Murphy Lab — led by Tom Murphy — then signed and numbered by Adam himself. An additional 179 for 2020 feature exclusive silkscreen artwork on the back of the headstock, created by Joyce Su and Adam. The two also collaborated on the design for the custom hardshell guitar cases housing each instrument. One of these bad boys will run you a cool $5,999.

News of the guitar arrived along with a short animated film, The Witness, which included a soundtrack composed by three-quarters of Tool (you’ll never believe this, but Maynard is the missing member). You can check that out here.

Earlier this year, there was some hubbub about Tool maybe making a new EP during the downtime forced by the pandemic. We haven’t actually heard anything about that in awhile, though, so I assume it’s not happening.


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