Axl Rose: “Vote for the Country, for a Better World, for Democracy”

Guns N’ Roses singer Axl Rose has taken to Twitter to encourage fans to vote. Although he doesn’t specifically name either candidate, his past four years of tweets, as well as the general tenor of his message, makes it clear who he’s endorsing:
Whatever It Takes
Take A Side
Make A Stand
With Courage
In The Face Of Fear
And Intimidation
Through All The Noise
And Distractions
For The Country
For A Better World
For The Future
Of Our Country
Our Planet
Your Planet
This Planet
The Only Planet We Have
For Those Who Fought,
Suffered And Died
To Create And Protect
Your Right To VoteFor Loved Ones
For You
And For US
Together As One
And If It Helps…
Vote Knowing There Are Those
Hoping, Praying N’ Counting On
You Won’t
And Would Do Virtually ANYTHING
They Thought They Could Get Away With
To Stop You
The members of Guns N’ Roses — and Rose in particular — have been vocally anti-Trump since he was first elected to office four years ago.
Rose first started in on Trump just days after the former host of The Apprentice defeated Hillary Clinton, tweeting that “Good people don’t listen to, acknowledge, nominate or elect people like Senator Jeff Sessions.” (Sessions, of course, went on to be United States Attorney General from 2017 to 2018). Later that month, GN’R invited fans in Mexico City on stage to help them destroy a Trump piñata.
The following October, the singer blasted VP Mike Pence over a publicity stunt in which he walked out of an Indianapolis Colts game after the players kneeled during the national anthem.
In January of 2018, Rose called the Trump administration the “gold standard of what can be considered disgraceful.” Two months later, he implied that “alleged former hooker” Melania Trump should be deported. When the midterm elections took place later that year, Rose called on fans to “vote blue.” He also denounced Trump’s unauthorized use of Guns N’ Roses music at campaign rallies.
Rose has been no less vocal about his distaste for Trump in 2020, at various points calling for us to “make the White House great again,” telling Rand Paul to “step off,” and suggesting that hospitals should be able to turn away those who protest social distancing measures and then contract COVID-19. After a maskless Trump toured a mask factory while “Live and Let Die” played over the P.A. system, Guns N’ Roses released a shirt that read “LIVE AND LET DIE WITH COVID-45” (Trump being the 45th president). And following the murder of George Floyd, GN’R’s holy trinity — Rose, guitarist Slash, and bassist Duff McKagan — all shared messages in support of Black Lives Matter.
(Somehow, none of that stopped Trump from using “Live and Let Die” at a campaign rally in August. Maybe it’s because Trump is a fan — he reportedly believes “November Rain” to be “the greatest music video of all time.”)
Much more amusingly, Rose also got into public spats with both Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Surgeon General Jerome Adams this year. The feuds garnered sufficient media attention that the vocalist felt the need to explain his decision to repeatedly tweet anti-Trump messages. Because these guys who are supposed to be running the country during a pandemic apparently have nothing better to do than feud with rock stars on Twitter.
In any case, it probably goes without saying that we here at MetalSucks agree with Rose, and you should definitely go vote if you haven’t done so already. All we want for Hanukkah this year is for Donald Trump not to be president anymore.
Whatever It Takes
Take A Side
Make A Stand
With Courage
In The Face Of Fear
And Intimidation
Through All The Noise
And Distractions
For The Country
For A Better World
For DEMOCRACY— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 3, 2020
For The Future
Of Our Country
Our Planet
Your Planet
This Planet
The Only Planet We Have
For Those Who Fought,
Suffered And Died
To Create And Protect
Your Right To Vote— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 3, 2020
For Loved Ones
For You
And For US
Together As One
And If It Helps…
Vote Knowing There Are Those
Hoping, Praying N’ Counting On
You Won’t
And Would Do Virtually ANYTHING
They Thought They Could Get Away With
To Stop You
????????????????????????????????????????????????— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 3, 2020