Enlarge Featuring Rob Zombie, Within the Ruins, and more.

MetalSucks’ Least-Sucky Songs of the Week


Can you imagine how much better or worse life is going to be one week from today? One way or the other, shit is gonna be NUTS. Better rock out to these fresh jams before you have to board up your windows and/or protest and/or have yourself committed…

Blood From the Soul – “Calcified Youth”

Members of Napalm Death, Converge, Megadeth, and Nasum team up, and they do not disappoint.

John Carpenter – “Weeping Ghost”

Today is HALLOWEEN. How appropriate!

Psycroptic – “A Fragile Existence”

A sturdy song.

Within the Ruins – “Black Heart”

Not to be confused with the also-awesome Chimaira song of the same name.

Rob Zombie – “The Triumph of King Freak (a Crypt of Preservation and Superstition)” 

This is the best Rob Zombie song in YEARS.

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