Enlarge Inarguably the heaviest song ever written about the end of the fiscal quarter.

Thy Fart is Murder Premiere New Song “Billing Season”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Thy Fart is Murder have debuted a new single, “Billing Season,” which is inarguably the heaviest song ever written about the end of the fiscal quar-

Oh, wait. Sorry. I misread the press release. The song is actually called “Killing Season.”

So if it’s not about invoices, what is it about? Take it away, official press release!

“In keeping with the band’s tradition of shining a floodlight on socio-political trauma and history’s atrocities, the lyrics for ‘Killing Season’ are inspired by the whitewashing of colonialism, and the song tackles the brutal reality of systemic racism in the western world head-on. Written on Thanksgiving 2019, ‘Killing Season’ examines the genesis of the national holiday and its lesser-known bloody history that’s far from the sanitized version celebrated annually.” 

Guitarist Andy Marsh adds: 

“’Killing Season’ is a crushing old school sounding Thy Art track that we put together towards the end of 2019, to be used somewhere in 2020 for a release or tour promo. We wanted to release it now as a gift to our fans who have supported us throughout this year by continuing to listen to our music, buying merch, or simply sending us messages of support. It means the world to us! ‘Killing Season” touches on the darkness surrounding the origins of Thanksgiving, and while that subject is relevant at this time of year, we want you to think of the atrocities both past and present that deserve acknowledgment.”

Because who better to write about the Trail of Tears than five caucasian millennials from Australia?

Noooooooooo, I’m just being a dick. We should definitely be spending more time discussing the fact that we have a much-beloved day during which we commemorate genocide by stuffing ourselves stupid with delicious food. Good on ’em.

As for the actual music part of the music, it’s fairly standard Thy Fart is Murder stuff: decidedly average elevator deathcore, extreme music’s answer to the feeling of novocaine-induced numbness. Yay.

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Thy Fart is Murder Premiere New Song “Billing Season”
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