Enlarge Face tattoos. Being angry. Calling people libtards and snowflakes. Being angry. Etc.

How to Write a Five Finger Death Punch Song


Face tattoos. Being angry. Calling people libtards and snowflakes. Being angry. Claiming it’s all a government hoax and supporting our troops. Being angry.

It’s a simple formula, really: how to write a Five Finger Death Punch song!

Raised by Owls, the same band that’s brought us entertaining videos such as “Being the Sound Engineer for Slipknot Before They Were Famous” and “What Happens When You See a Fellow Metalhead in Public,” have partnered with MetalSucks for their latest, a goof on the metalsphere’s favorite targets (other than Tommy Vext and Trapt), Five Finger Death Punch.

Have a watch below, and be sure to check out Raised by Owls on YouTube, Facebook and Bandcamp.

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