Enlarge Inescapable, existential dread in black metal form.

Exclusive: Stream the Self-Titled Debut Album From Black Mountain Hunger


Halloween is this weekend, and we here at MetalSucks can think of no shit-your-pants scarier soundtrack for your night of terror than the eponymous debut album from Black Mountain Hunger. The Asheville, North Carolina band’s uncommon brand of charcoal-black metal is infused with funereal majesty and ethereal ambiance, creating the sensation of somehow being soothingly weightless while bearing an oppressive burden. Black Mountain Hunger is inescapable, existential dread in music form.

We love it, and we’re confident you will too… which is why today we’re debuting it here on MetalSucks!

Says the band of the effort:

“We’ve always focused on writing music we all love, but have felt that the sound and feeling get lost in translation when we’ve recorded before. This album was an effort to make something that sounded like us, to our ears. In hope of better translating the feelings we experience while we play, we recorded, mixed, and mastered the album ourselves. We’ve only ever wanted to write music we’re genuinely proud of, and we hope this album both feels and sounds to others the way it does to us in the basement in which we practice and write. This album is the truest version of ourselves that we’ve managed so far and we’re grateful to all who listen.”

Listen to Black Mountain Hunger below! It comes out TOMORROW, October 30, on GrindEthos Records. Pre-order/pre-save it here!!!

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