Enlarge At Watt's 30th birthday party. The Red Hot Chilli Peppers' Chad Smith was part of the festivities as well.

Post Malone, Metallica’s Robert Trujillo and Producer Andrew Watt Jammed This Weekend


Rapper Post Malone has been keeping his metal chops up of late. From his pre-fame time in a metalcore band called Ashley’s Arrival (video), to his pals in Power Trip and Gatecreeperhis love of Nekrogoblikon, the smash hit he released with Ozzy Osbourne and, most recently, a video he posted of himself showing surprising composure on the guitar and a jam with Jared Dines, the rapper has more than proven his love for metal is legit.

Malone’s latest metal adventure came at the 30th birthday party for producer Andrew Watt, best known around these parts for producing (aka writing) and playing guitar on Ozzy Osbourne’s early 2020 return to form, Ordinary Man. Watt invited some musician pals over to his studio to celebrate his third complete decade on earth and has now shared some photos of his jam session with Post Malone, Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo, and Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith (who drummed on Ordinary Man). That’s a helluva jam lineup!

You can have a look at Watt jamming with Posty and Trujillo via the Instagram slider below (Smith is not pictured in any of these shots). I’m gonna go out on a limb and say these dudes were appropriately shit-housed, although that’s pure conjecture (that joint Posty is holding in Watt’s mouth is surely just tobacco, right?). No videos have made their way online yet, sadly.

[via Ultimate Guitar]

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