Enlarge A tribute to Eddie Van Halen, a tribute to democracy, a tribute to sanity.

This Van Halen-Themed Biden/Harris Lawn Sign is Incredible


The internet shows both the best and worst sides of humanity, giving birth to untold creativity on one hand and allowing disinformation and hateful ideologies to spread with ease on the other.

It’s the former, thankfully, that we’re stoked to report on today, as some genius rock fan has brought their love of the late, great Eddie Van Halen to practical use by turning the band’s iconic VH logo into a creative lawn sign in support of the Joe Biden / Kamala Harris U.S. presidential ticket.

Behold, via ex-Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach:

For those wondering how they can adorn their bodies with the above imagery, a quick Goog reveals a number of apparel items available with the logo and slogan, although it seems those are for sale privately and are not part of the official Biden/Harris campaign. I haven’t come across the lawn sign for sale anywhere, sadly, so it may have been a one-of-a-kind, custom item.

Bach found himself in the headlines this week when he walked out an interview after the host made a homophobic joke about Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford, who is gay. Halford later laughed off the comment, but Cynic frontman Paul Masvidal, who is also gay, came to Bach’s defense and said he “did the right thing.”

The elections are just over one week away. Vote vote vote!

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