Enlarge It's the band's only show of 2020 and also the release date of their new album, 'Blood & Stone.'

Win Tickets to Sevendust’s Virtual Concert This Friday!


On Friday, October 23, Sevendust will perform their ONLY show of the year, a full-production livestream which will be their first ever in the format. October 23 also happens to be the release date of the band’s new album, Blood & Stone. All of that suggests that Sevendust will be pulling out all the stops for this one to make it a very, very special experience for fans.

MetalSucks has teamed up with Sevendust to offer one lucky fan free entry! All you have to do is fill out the form below and hope the gods of randomness smile upon you when we choose a winner Friday morning. Make sure you sign up with an email address you check often since time will be of the essence.

The show will be live starting at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT and available globally at the corresponding hour for each territory. Tickets are $17.00 and available here if you don’t want to chance it: http://sevendust.nocapshows.com/

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