Enlarge An upbeat but melancholy number from the guitar savant.

Plini Releases “I’ll Tell You Someday,” Announces New Album


“I’ll Tell You Someday,” the debut single from Plini’s forthcoming album, Impulse Voices, is an instrumental track, just like all of his music. You know this already, of course, but I bring it up because the vibe of the music does a fantastic job conveying the sentiment expressed in its title. Instrumental music is weird that way — songs without words could be titled anything, ya know? — but I’ll bet this one has listeners all over the world thinking of things they’ll tell people someday, things they wish they’d told people in the past or hope to some day be able to. It’s a cheerful one, but it’s also melancholy.

Plini himself explains of the track:

“I picked this as the first ‘single’ because I wanted to provide the listener with a big, warm, instrumental hug, in a time when I feel everyone could use one. I think it gives a friendly first impression of the album, in terms of sound and energy, though may also provide a false sense of security for some of the stranger territory the rest of the album ventures into…” 

Stranger territory, eh? Color us interested. Not that we wouldn’t be interested in new Plini music no matter what.

Impulse Voices comes out on November 27 and can be pre-ordered here.

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