Enlarge The stand-out banger from Corey's new solo album. Now new and imrpoved with banjo!

Corey Taylor Posts Acoustic Version of “Black Eyes Blue”


“Black Eyes Blue” is unquestionably the standout track on Corey Taylor’s new solo album, CMFT, right? It’s catchy as hell and stands up to anything in his back catalogue, including Stone Sour — the most obvious touch point — and even Slipknot, I’d argue. It’s a banger.

Now he’s released an acoustic version of the track to enhance your Corey Taylor Experience™. The original had acoustic elements, but this one goes all the way and even introduces to the arrangement what I think is a banjo. I can’t say this is one of those things we needed or that it offers a drastically different take on the track, but it’s a nice bonus.

CMFT is out now. Buy it in all the usual places.

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