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Today: Vince Neilstein Guests on the DeFonce Talks Metal Livestream!


This afternoon, at 2pm EDT / 11am PDT, ya boy “Vince Neilstein,” co-founder of MetalSucks — Ben Umanov, that’s me! — will be appearing on DeFonce Talks Metal, a weekly livestream interview series hosted by Continental Touring booking agent Daniel DeFonce!

DeFonce largely operates behind the scenes of the metal industry, having booked tours for some of the genre’s top acts for the past decade, but you may recall his name from this headline earlier in the year that caused quite the uproar when he claimed concerts likely wouldn’t return until the beginning of 2021 at the earliest. Seems prophetic now, doesn’t it? If anything, Dan was too optimistic!

Dan and I have known each other for many years; he created the Devastation on the Nation tour, he books of Rivers of Nihil and Black Crown Initiate (who I manage) and he spent some time working at Unique Leader, so we’ve worked together quite a lot.

All that’s a long-winded way of saying this chat’s gonna be a fun one — they always are when the interviewer and interviewee actually know one another.

Tune in via the embed below or Danfonce’s Twitch at 2pm EDT / 11am PDT.

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