Enlarge Featuring Dark Tranquillity, Refused, and more

MetalSucks’ Least-Sucky Songs of the Week


Is 2020 over yet?

Dark Tranquillity – “Identical to None”

Has anyone played this for In Flames as a reminder of what Swedish melodeath is supposed to sound like?

Refused – “Born on the Outs”

You can’t…. refuse this song… LOLOLOLOL.

Reign of Vengeance – “American Family Court: Thy Seeds to Belial”

Best metal song about going to family court ever?

Summon the Lich – “Descend”

RIYL The Black Dahlia Murder, At the Gates, Amon Amarth, etc.

Warfect – “Left to Rot”

Just when you think Gothenburg, Sweden couldn’t possibly pump out any more phenomenal metal bands than it already has…

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