Enlarge For fans of Havok, At the Gates and Unleashed, as varied as those bands are.

Warfect Unveil New-School Thrash Banger, “Left to Rot”


Just when you think Gothenburg, Sweden couldn’t possibly pump out any more phenomenal metal bands than it already has, along comes another as if the city’s children attend compulsory Riff Class from the moment they enter kindergarten.

Enter Warfect, a band not cut from the traditional Gothenburg melodeath mold, although they’re not totally devoid of its inescapable influence. On their latest single, “Left to Rot,” the band plays a brand of thrash — plainly advertised as such via the bassist’s t-shirt in the track’s accompanying music video — that melds the genre’s old-school tropes with an unstoppable groove and vaguely black metal-esque vocals. The bottom line is that it’s catchy as fuck; what else even matters, right?

Says the band of “Left to Rot:”

“The new single and music video ‘Left To Rot’ is a heavy mid-tempo song depicting the horrors surrounding a massive railway construction project in northern Siberia where lots of people perished. It will make your head bang!”

Spectre Of Devastation comes out November 13 via Napalm Records; pre-order here.

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