Enlarge A live jam with two-piece jazz/fusion/math-rock act Qoniak.

Qoniak: The Coolest Video You’ll See Today


This one dropped into the MetalSucks inbox a few weeks back and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. It’s not really metal — “metal-adjacent” is even a stretch; math rock maybe? — but damn, the two musicians of Qoniak are superb, and once I started watching this video of a live jam I couldn’t look away. The drummer gives me Jerry Fuchs-era Maserati vibes, and the keyboardist is like someone out of a modern-day Kraftwerk tribute act. This shit is ill, and fans of good music will appreciate it no matter their genre of choice.

Qoniak’s new album, Mutatio, comes out tomorrow, Friday October 16, through Hummus Records; pre-order here.

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