Enlarge Another video clip from the breakout album of the year.

Unleash the Archers Unveil New Video for “Legacy”


What a 2020 it’s been for Unleash the Archers, eh? In a year that finds most bands down in the dumps due to their inability to tour, Unleash the Archers released perhaps THE breakout album of the year and have seen their profile rise dramatically. I sincerely hope that when touring finally does became a thing again they play Abyss from start to finish every night. They’ve earned the privilege! I’d be THERE for it.

“Legacy” is, by my count, the fourth official music video from the album, which in itself is quite remarkable; most bands these days release one per album and call it a day, maybe two. The clip finds the band members (alone) wandering around their home town of Vancouver (obeying social distancing) with the song’s lyrics rendered on the facades of the architecture they pass. Fun way to make a video in these distanced times.

Abyss is out now. Order it here.

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