Chris Holmes, “Formably of W.A.S.P.,” Launches GoFundMe Campaign on Indiegogo as a Result of “What the COVID Done”
Chris Holmes is crowdfunding a new album. The record itself will presumably be terrible, but we are getting at least one really great work of art out of the deal, which is Holmes’ video soliciting for the campaign.
The video is a characteristically classy affair for the former W.A.S.P. guitarist. After introducing himself as being “formably of W.A.S.P.,” Holmes informs viewers that “I fund doing my records by playing live and the money for that pays for me play live,” but he can’t play live right now because of “what the COVID done.” As a result, Holmes goes on to explain, he has launched this GoFundMe campaign. I believe it is the first-ever GoFundMe campaign to be hosted by Indiegogo.

I would feel bad making fun of Holmes, except whomever helped him make this video (his wife/manager, I assume) didn’t care enough to ask for another take, so I don’t see any reason I shouldn’t tease the guitarist. I think he was more articulate in The Decline of Western Civilization Part 2.
You can watch the fantastic Indiegogo/GoFundMe video below. As of this writing, Holmes has raised a little under $3,000 of his oddly-specific $39,318 goal. Contribute here.
There’s also a sure-to-be-entertaining documentary about Holmes which is supposed to be out by the end of the year. Check out the trailer here.