Exclusive Track Premiere: “Zephyr” by Countless Skies

On November 6, Willowtip will release Glow, the sophomore album from the UK’s progressive melodic death metal outfit Countless Skies. As you can probably guess from both the name of the band and the name of the album, this isn’t your typical melodeath band.
Take, for example, “Zephyr,” the Glow track MetalSucks is proudly debuting today. It takes a little while for the song to get heavy, opening with two-and-a-half minutes of dreamy, lugubrious music and clean vocals reminiscent of bands like The Contortionist…
…and then it completely switches gears and turns into a truly larger-than-life, albeit still lugubrious, melodeath song that wouldn’t seem out of place on an Insomnium record. The transition between the two sections is smooth, effortless, and the quieter, less-metallic section at the beginning only makes the heavy part of the song all the more powerful. It’s great stuff.
Listen to “Zephyr” below! Then pre-order Glow here or here. You’ll be glad ya did.