Enlarge As expected, the surviving members of the group's Back in Black-era have reunited.

AC/DC Releases New Band Photo, Places Ads for New Album

  • Axl Rosenberg

AC/DC continue to inch towards announcing what everyone (understandably and probably correctly) assumes will be a new album announcement.

Following leaked stills from a music video shoot, enigmatic social media teases, advertisements outside Angus Young’s high school, and the launching of a new website, the band has now released an official promo confirming their long-rumored current line-up. As expected, that line-up reunites all the surviving members of their Back in Black era: Angus Young (lead guitar), Brian Johnson (vocals), Phil Rudd (drums), and Cliff Williams (bass). Stevie Young replaces the late Malcolm Young on rhythm guitar, although some of Malcolm’s final compositions and/or recordings may be on the album.

Additionally, new ads, not dissimilar from the one outside Young’s alma matter, have started popping up in UK newspapers.

Both the ads and the promo photo contain the phrase “PWR UP,” leading many to speculate that the new record will be called Power Up. Personally, I’m starting to become nervous that it’s actually called PWR UP in what I assume would be either a misguided attempt to be cool and/or a well-guided attempt at SEO (search Google for ‘Power Up,’ and tons of random shit comes up; search Google for ‘PWR UP,’ and six of the first ten results you get will pertain to AC/DC).

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