Enlarge Justin K. Broadrick's shoegaze project will release its first album in seven years this November.

Jesu Debut New Song “When I Was Small”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Jesu, the shoegaze project headed by Justin K. Broadrick (Godflesh), has released a new song called “When I Was Small.” It’s the first single from Terminus, Jesu’ first album since 2013…

…although not their first song since 2013: they released an EP, Never, earlier this year. The atypically-techno-sounding single from that EP, “Because of You,” discouraged me from ever checking that out, which I admit is shallow and disrespectful (Broadrick’s work is always worth at least one listen).

Having said that, I’m pleased to report that “Small” is much more in line with the droopy, depressed Jesu we all know and cry while listening to. Is it on par with the best Jesu songs, like “Silver” and “You Wear Their Masks”? Well… no, not in my opinion. But it IS good, and it certainly bodes well for Terminus.

Listen below. Terminus comes out November 13.

[via The PRP]

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