Enlarge The singer has unusual, but excellent, taste in carnal cinema.

Blöthar From GWAR Picks the Most Erotic Sex Scenes of All Time

  • Axl Rosenberg

GWAR frontman Blöthar the Berserker was recently interviewed by Mr. Skin, the infamous website dedicated to female nudity in cinema and television. Naturally, the conversation eventually turned to Blöthar’s favorite sex scenes.

I know what you’re thinking: “This is gross, why is MetalSucks writing about this shit,” etc. But wait — it’s not quite what you think!

Blöthar, you see, did not concentrate on normal sex scenes… he honed in on sex scenes with non-humans. Because of course of he did!

He began by praising Sausage Party (2016), Seth Rogen’s subversive comedy that ends up being a story about the dangers of religion and (SPOILERS) concludes with a massive food orgy — as in, different anthropomorphic food items having sex with each other.

“As far as creature goes, I always like the movie Sausage Party where you have all the weird food sex going on. You’ve got the hot dog bun and the taco. Who sees that coming?”


He went on to note the infamous marionette sex scene from Team America (2004) the political satire of Hollywood action movies from South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone:

Team America, that was pretty good. That’s a very GWAR scene — there’s lots of fluids involved. GWAR sex scenes tend to end in a terrible amount of fluid being sprayed everywhere.”


Other sex scenes giving the quartet-of-oversized-phalluses-up by Blöthar: The Naked Gun (1988) and the famous three-breasted woman from Total Recall (Blöthar, for his part, prefers six his partners be six-breasted).


He did finally turn his attention to human sexuality, and what he had to say was surprisingly beautiful:

“GWAR obviously is about transgression and transgressiveness. We don’t discourage humans from expressing their sexuality. GWAR certainly has a wide range of fans whose sexuality I think covers pretty much the entire spectrum and we’re proud of that. We’re proud that we give something that people of all persuasions, stripes, interests that they can attach themselves too.”

Which is not to say that GWAR themselves will go anywhere near people themselves:

“However, GWAR ourselves, humans are a little too gross for us. They’re far too fragile for GWAR. Like I said before, two boobs? What are you gonna do with that?”

You can watch the entire interview below.


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